How Often to Rebalance Portfolio and What You’ve Been Getting Wrong

The topic of ‘how often to rebalance portfolio‘ has its fair share of myths and misconceptions. With so much conflicting advice out there, investors are often left confused and, at times, making less-than-optimal decisions. Join us as we tackle the most common myths and provide clarity on this crucial aspect of investing.

Contemporary workspace showcasing an open book titled 'Debunking Myths: How Often to Rebalance Portfolio', myth and fact cards on a table, and professionals discussing misconceptions about portfolio rebalancing.
Unraveling the Truth: Debunking Portfolio Rebalancing Myths.

Myth 1: Annual Rebalancing Is a Must

Reality: While many financial advisors advocate for an annual check-in, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to rebalance every year. The right frequency depends on individual risk tolerance, investment goals, and market conditions. Sometimes, it might make sense to rebalance more frequently, while at other times, letting the portfolio run a bit longer might be beneficial.

Myth 2: Rebalancing Will Always Boost Returns

Reality: The primary goal of rebalancing is risk management, not necessarily maximizing returns. While rebalancing can sometimes enhance returns by capitalizing on market inefficiencies, it’s more about ensuring your portfolio remains aligned with your desired risk profile.

Myth 3: A 5% Threshold Is the Golden Rule

Reality: Some suggest rebalancing when an asset class deviates by 5% from its target allocation. However, this isn’t a one-size-fits-all rule. Depending on your investment goals and strategy, a different threshold might be more appropriate.

Myth 4: Rebalancing Is Only About Selling High and Buying Low

Reality: While the process does involve selling over-performing assets and buying under-performing ones, rebalancing is more strategic. It ensures your portfolio continues to reflect your financial goals and risk appetite, irrespective of market dynamics.

Myth 5: Automated Rebalancing Tools Make Manual Rebalancing Obsolete

Reality: Technology has undoubtedly made it easier for investors, but relying solely on automated tools might not always capture the nuances of an individual’s unique situation. It’s beneficial to review the portfolio personally or with a financial advisor to make well-informed decisions.

Myth 6: Rebalancing Incurs Excessive Costs and Taxes

Reality: While there are potential costs associated with rebalancing, such as transaction fees and tax implications, these can often be minimized with a well-thought-out strategy. Utilizing tax-advantaged accounts or adopting a tax-harvesting approach can offset potential downsides.

Myth 7: You Should Rebalance All Accounts Simultaneously

Reality: Not all accounts need to be rebalanced at the same time. Factors like account type (taxable vs. non-taxable), asset allocation, and investment goals can influence the rebalancing strategy for each specific account.


The world of investing is filled with advice, both good and bad. By understanding the myths surrounding portfolio rebalancing, investors can make more informed decisions that align with their financial aspirations. It’s essential to approach rebalancing with a clear strategy and understanding, ensuring that you’re optimizing for both risk and reward.

Temecula’s Digital Evolution: Unleashing the Power of Managed IT

In the heart of Southern California, nestled amid picturesque landscapes and a rich history, lies Temecula – a city undergoing a profound digital evolution. Behind the scenes of its charming facade, a powerful force is at work reshaping the way businesses operate, compete, and thrive. That force is Managed IT Temecula, a transformative technology that is propelling Temecula into the digital age and unleashing the city’s hidden potential.

Managed IT Temecula

Temecula’s Tech Transition: Bridging the Past and the Future

Temecula is a city where tradition and innovation harmoniously coexist. The allure of its historic charm draws in residents and visitors alike. However, as the world rapidly advances technologically, businesses in Temecula are faced with the challenge of staying relevant and competitive in the digital era. Managed IT is the bridge that connects Temecula’s past with its promising digital future. This technology empowers businesses to preserve their unique identity while embracing the efficiencies and opportunities that modern technology offers.

The Managed IT Advantage: A Catalyst for Business Growth

At the core of Temecula’s digital evolution is Managed IT, a dynamic approach to technology management that goes beyond simple infrastructure maintenance. Managed IT catalyzes business growth by optimizing processes, enhancing security, and enabling innovation. In a world where data drives decisions and technology shapes experiences, businesses that leverage Managed IT gain a strategic advantage. From streamlining operations to enhancing customer experiences, Managed IT is a game-changer for Temecula’s enterprises, regardless of their size or industry.

Real-world Success Stories: Temecula’s Enterprises Thriving with Managed IT

The success stories emerging from Temecula’s business landscape are a testament to the power of Managed IT. From startups to well-established companies, enterprises are leveraging this technology to achieve remarkable growth and success. By partnering with expert Managed IT providers, these businesses are not only surviving but thriving in a tech-savvy world. Temecula’s unique blend of industries – from hospitality to agriculture – is embracing Managed IT to gain a competitive edge and create a lasting impact.

Leading Managed IT Providers in Temecula

Behind every successful tech transformation lies a group of dedicated Managed IT providers who understand the local business landscape and its unique needs. In Temecula, these providers serve as strategic partners, guiding businesses through the complexities of technology adoption, cybersecurity, and digital innovation. Their expertise ensures that Temecula’s enterprises can harness the full potential of Managed IT and navigate the evolving tech landscape with confidence.

Navigating the Future: Temecula’s Tech Trajectory Ahead

As Temecula continues its journey into the digital age, Managed IT will remain an essential driving force. Businesses that embrace Managed IT are well-positioned to adapt to technological shifts, seize new opportunities, and thrive in an increasingly competitive global market. Whether it’s harnessing the power of cloud computing, implementing cutting-edge cybersecurity measures, or leveraging data analytics for insights, Managed IT is the compass guiding Temecula’s enterprises toward a future of innovation and growth.

In conclusion, Temecula’s digital evolution is powered by Managed IT – a force that transcends traditional tech support and propels businesses toward unprecedented success. This transformation is more than just a technological upgrade; it’s a journey into the future, a journey that Temecula’s businesses are boldly embarking upon. As this city continues to embrace its digital destiny, Managed IT stands as the cornerstone of its success, ensuring that Temecula remains a vibrant, competitive, and innovative hub in the digital age.

Temecula’s Skyward Adventure: Hot Air Balloons Over Wine Country

Floating gracefully above the earth, feeling the gentle morning breeze, and witnessing the vast expanses of Temecula, CA’s vineyards unfold beneath—there’s truly nothing quite like the experience of hot air ballooning over wine country. Let’s embark on this skyward journey together, painting a picture of freedom and wonder.

Temecula CA

A Bird’s-Eye View of Temecula’s Picturesque Landscape

As you ascend in a hot air balloon, the patchwork of vineyards, rolling hills, and serene valleys become more apparent. From this vantage point, the geometry of the vine rows, the shimmering lakes, and the distant mountain ranges come together to form a living canvas. The sun paints the landscape in hues of gold and amber, casting long shadows and giving the earth below a dreamy, ethereal glow.

The History of Ballooning in Wine Country

The romance of ballooning in Temecula dates back several decades. Inspired by the breathtaking beauty of the wine country and the calm weather conditions, early enthusiasts saw the potential of combining the region’s scenic charm with the allure of flight. This idea soon gained traction, and ballooning became a signature experience for visitors, synonymous with the Temecula Valley. Over the years, this attraction has grown, with numerous operators now offering diverse ballooning packages to cater to different tastes and preferences.

Preparing for Takeoff: The Ballooning Experience

The ballooning adventure begins well before sunrise. As the first light breaks, the balloon is unfurled and slowly filled with hot air, rising majestically against the backdrop of the waking world. Passengers are given a safety briefing, ensuring that everyone is comfortable and ready for the journey ahead. As the burner ignites and fills the envelope with warmth, the balloon lifts off, offering its passengers a sensation of weightlessness and tranquility.

Best Times and Events for Balloon Adventures

While ballooning is a year-round activity in Temecula, certain times offer a more magical experience than others. The spring and fall months, with their mild temperatures and clear skies, are particularly favored.

One of the most anticipated events in the region is the Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival. Held annually, this festival sees dozens of balloons take to the skies, painting them in vibrant colors. Attendees can not only embark on their own ballooning adventures but also enjoy wine tastings, live music, and a myriad of other activities.

Combining Wine Tours with Balloon Rides: The Ultimate Temecula Experience

What could be more enchanting than pairing a skyward adventure with the flavors of the earth? Many operators in Temecula offer combined packages where, after the exhilaration of a balloon ride, passengers are treated to a wine tasting tour. This melding of experiences allows visitors to appreciate the vineyards from both an aerial and ground perspective, enhancing their appreciation for the region’s beauty and bounty.

In conclusion, a hot air balloon ride over Temecula’s wine country is more than just an activity—it’s a celebration of life, nature, and the human spirit’s boundless curiosity. Whether you’re toasting with a glass of wine thousands of feet in the air or walking amidst the vines you once soared above, Temecula promises an adventure that lingers long after the journey ends. 🎈🍷🌄

Guarding Santa Clarita’s Digital Oasis: The Unseen Heroes of Managed IT

In the sprawling valleys of Santa Clarita, where commerce and culture intertwine, a different kind of threat looms on the horizon. Unlike the challenges of yesteryears, these threats are intangible and stealthy, causing unprecedented disruptions and damages. While businesses thrive and progress, they need an armor against the continuously evolving cyber threats. That’s where the heroes of Managed IT Santa Clarita come into play.

Managed IT Santa Clarita

The Evolving Digital Terrain of Santa Clarita

Santa Clarita’s reputation as a business hub isn’t just about its physical establishments; it’s increasingly about its digital infrastructure. As businesses adopt more advanced technologies, they’re also exposed to a greater number of vulnerabilities. From small businesses storing client data to larger enterprises managing extensive digital assets, the importance of maintaining a safe digital environment has never been more critical.

Managed IT Santa Clarita: The City’s First Line of Cyber Defense

To counteract the increasingly sophisticated threats, Managed IT Santa Clarita steps up as the city’s digital shield. These are not just tech professionals; they’re the guardians of the city’s digital domain. With a mix of state-of-the-art tools, continuous monitoring, and rapid response measures, Managed IT ensures that the businesses of Santa Clarita remain uninterrupted and secure.

Threat Landscape: What Santa Clarita’s Businesses are Up Against

The threats aren’t theoretical. From ransomware attacks that lock businesses out of their own systems to phishing scams that prey on unsuspecting employees, the digital dangers are very real. Santa Clarita, with its mix of innovative startups and established enterprises, presents an attractive target for cybercriminals. It’s not about if an attack might happen, but when.

Real-life Rescues: How Managed IT Prevented Potential Disasters

The prowess of Managed IT Santa Clarita isn’t just in their preventive measures but also in their quick responses. Consider the case of a local retailer who fell victim to a malware attack. Within hours, Managed IT had isolated the threat, secured the data, and initiated countermeasures to prevent a recurrence. Such stories of rapid intervention and mitigation abound, showcasing the crucial role of Managed IT in preserving the business fabric of Santa Clarita.

Preparing for Tomorrow: Proactive Measures in the Pipeline for Santa Clarita’s Businesses

In the dynamic world of cybersecurity, resting on laurels isn’t an option. Managed IT Santa Clarita continuously upgrades its arsenal and strategies. From training sessions for employees of local businesses to developing advanced threat detection algorithms, the focus is on staying one step ahead of potential adversaries. As Santa Clarita looks to a brighter, more digital future, its businesses can do so with confidence, knowing that their digital guardians are ever-watchful.

The rise of the digital realm has brought with it a slew of opportunities and challenges. But with entities like Managed IT Santa Clarita standing guard, the city’s businesses can focus on what they do best – innovate, serve, and grow.

Why Sioux City Startups Are Swearing by Managed IT Solutions

In the heart of the American Midwest, Sioux City is emerging as an entrepreneurial hotspot. But what’s the secret sauce behind the rapid growth and success of its startups? A large credit goes to “Managed IT Sioux City” services. In this article, we dive into why local startups are overwhelmingly endorsing Managed IT solutions.

The Startup Landscape in Sioux City

Over the past few years, Sioux City has experienced a startup boom. Factors contributing to this include:

  1. Innovative Ecosystem: With incubators, co-working spaces, and venture capitalists showing interest, Sioux City has laid the groundwork for startups to thrive.
  2. Diverse Industries: From tech and health to agriculture, startups in varied sectors are finding their footing in the city.

Managed IT Solutions: A Startup’s Best Friend

The demands of a fledgling business are unique and dynamic. Here’s why “Managed IT Sioux City” services are resonating with them:

  1. Scalability: Startups require IT services that can grow with them. Managed IT solutions offer flexibility, scaling up or down based on the business needs.
  2. Cost-Effective: Limited capital is a reality for most startups. Managed IT solutions eliminate the need for hefty investments in infrastructure, offering services that align with budget constraints.
  3. Focus on Core Operations: By outsourcing IT responsibilities, startup founders can zero in on product development, sales, and other core areas.
  4. Access to Expertise: Rather than hiring a full-time IT team, startups can tap into a pool of experts who are well-versed with the latest tech trends and solutions.

Local Success Stories: Sioux City Startups and Managed IT Triumphs

Several startups have reaped the benefits of aligning with Managed IT providers:

  1. [Startup A]: Leveraging cloud services offered by a local Managed IT provider, this startup enhanced its data storage and accessibility, significantly boosting efficiency.
  2. [Startup B]: By integrating cybersecurity measures from a Managed IT service, this e-commerce startup ensured secure transactions and built customer trust.

(Note: Placeholder names “[Startup A]” and “[Startup B]” can be replaced with real-life examples for added authenticity.)

The Road Ahead: Future Trends in Managed IT for Startups

As Sioux City’s startup scene continues to flourish, the role of Managed IT is set to evolve:

  1. AI and Machine Learning: Managed IT providers will likely integrate more AI tools to offer predictive analytics, enhancing decision-making for startups.
  2. Sustainability: With a global push towards eco-friendly practices, Managed IT solutions will focus on energy-efficient operations and green tech.
  3. Collaborative Tools: As remote work becomes commonplace, Managed IT services will offer advanced collaboration tools to bridge geographical gaps.


For Sioux City startups, the decision to embrace Managed IT solutions is more than just a tech choice; it’s a strategic move towards sustainable growth, efficiency, and competitiveness. As the city continues its entrepreneurial ascent, the harmonious relationship between startups and Managed IT services will undoubtedly shape its future landscape.

What are the disadvantages of a structured settlement payout?

When you are injured in an accident and file a personal injury claim, you may be offered a structured settlement. A structured settlement is an agreement between you and the at-fault party (or their insurance company) in which you agree to accept periodic payments instead of a lump sum. structured settlement payout is often used in cases where the victim is a minor, or when the injuries are expected to result in long-term or permanent damage.

While a structured settlement can offer many benefits, there are also some disadvantages to consider.

1. You May Not Receive the Full Value of Your Claim

When you accept a structured settlement, you are agreeing to accept a lower overall payout than you would if you accepted a lump sum. This is because the at-fault party (or their insurance company) is only agreeing to make periodic payments, and not to pay the full value of your claim all at once.

2. The Payments May Not Be Enough to Cover Your Expenses

Another disadvantage of a structured settlement is that the periodic payments may not be enough to cover your expenses. This is especially true if your injuries are severe and you are unable to work. If you need to cover medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses, a lump sum settlement may be a better option.

3. The Payments May Not Be Tax-Free

Another disadvantage of structured settlements is that the periodic payments may not be tax-free. This depends on the state in which you live, but in some states, the periodic payments may be considered income and subject to taxation.

4. You May Not Be Able to Access the Money if You Need it

If you agree to a structured settlement, you may not be able to access the money if you need it. This is because the payments are typically made over a period of time, and not all at once. If you have an emergency and need access to the money, you may not be able to get it.

5. You May Not Be Able to Sell the Settlement

If you need to sell your structured settlement in order to access the money, you may not be able to do so. This is because the payments are typically made by an annuity, which cannot be sold.

6. You May Have to Pay Fees

If you decide to sell your structured settlement, you may have to pay fees. These fees can include an attorney’s fee, a court filing fee, and a fee to the company that buys the settlement.

7. The Payments May Not Be Guaranteed

Another disadvantage of a structured settlement is that the payments may not be guaranteed. This means that if the at-fault party (or their insurance company) files for bankruptcy, you may not receive the payments.

8. You May Not Be Able to Change the Payment Schedule

If you agree to a structured settlement, you may not be able to change the payment schedule. This means that if you need to access the money sooner than the payments are scheduled, you may not be able to do so.

9. You May Have to Wait for the Payments

Another disadvantage of a structured settlement is that you may have to wait for the payments. This is because the payments are typically made over a period of time, and not all at once. If you need the money right away, a lump sum settlement may be a better option.

10. There May Be a Penalty for Early Withdrawal

If you agree to a structured settlement, you may be charged a penalty if you withdraw the money early. This is because the payments are typically made by an annuity, which has early withdrawal penalties.

While a structured settlement can offer many benefits, there are also some disadvantages to consider. If you are considering a structured settlement, be sure to weigh the pros and cons carefully to make sure it is the right option for you.

Affordable Non Toxic Crib Mattresses

Buying a affordable non toxic crib mattress can be a difficult task, but luckily there are some affordable options on the market. Before you buy a crib mattress, here are some factors to consider:


Purchasing a Naturepedic affordable non toxic crib mattress is a great option for parents who are concerned about the potential toxins their children could be exposed to. The company is known for producing high quality mattresses that are organic, waterproof, and chemical free. They are also recognized for their ethical practices.

The company’s organic mattresses are certified to GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard). This is the highest organic standard available to consumers. It ensures that the items are made from at least 95 percent organic materials. The certification also guarantees that each individual ingredient is organic.

The company is known for their high-quality products and excellent customer service. They are a family-owned business from Chagrin Falls, Ohio.

EcoAir Waterproof Mattress

Choosing a baby mattress can be an overwhelming task. You want to get the best mattress for your child. It is essential that you understand the characteristics of a crib mattress before purchasing one. There are many options available, but you need to know what to look for in order to make the best choice.

You can find an organic crib mattress that is made from natural materials. These mattresses offer solid support and comfortable sleep for your baby. They are also safe and free of toxic chemicals.

The Naturepedic Organic Cotton Classic Crib Mattress is made of organic cotton and non-GMO polyethylene. It is free of harmful chemicals and is GREENGUARD Gold Certified. The mattress is also Formaldehyde free and offers a lifetime limited warranty.

Newton Baby

Choosing an affordable non toxic crib mattress is an important step to take if you want to provide your baby with the safest possible sleep environment. Sleep is critical for a child’s development, and a quality mattress will help ensure that your baby’s sleep is healthy.

A baby’s skin is thinner than an adult’s, so the risk of absorbing harmful VOCs is higher. VOCs can contribute to cancer and kidney damage. They can also be irritating to people with compromised respiratory systems.

Many mattresses are made of foam, which releases VOCs. In addition, most household items release VOCs.

Non-toxic crib mattresses are made of organic materials, which reduce the risk of VOCs. However, not all organic materials are safe, so you’ll want to pay attention to the label.


Whether you’re looking for a mattress for your baby’s room or just want a plush sleep solution, the Nectar affordable non toxic crib mattress will provide you with the comfort you need. It’s not only comfortable, it’s also affordable, with prices starting as low as $450.

Its three layers of memory foam give it the traditional feel, but there are also some technologically advanced features to keep you cool while you sleep. One layer of gel memory foam helps to cool you off, while the other two offer good motion isolation. The mattress also has good edge support.

Nectar offers a 365-night sleep trial, which is great for those who want to see how the mattress performs over time. Customers can also request a full refund after the trial period. During the return process, Nectar customer service will walk you through the process.


Designed for the active lifestyle, Zoma mattress provides bounce, motion isolation and pressure relief. These features are combined in a mattress designed to help athletes and other active people get the sleep they need to perform at their best.

Zoma mattresses are made with CertiPUR-US foam, which is certified to be low in volatile organic compounds. In addition, Zoma’s manufacturing process is environmentally friendly.

Zoma’s mattress features three layers of foam. The top layer is made from a high density poly-foam. The middle layer is made from a transitional foam that provides bounce and pressure relief. The bottom layer is made from a latex-like poly-foam.

The Zoma mattress also features a “Reactiv(tm)” layer, which is a latex-like material that gives a bounce and prevents you from feeling stuck.

Savvy Rest

Whether you are looking for an organic, wool-free or non-toxic crib mattress, Savvy Rest is a great choice. They are B Corporation and have a strong charitable giving program. They donate 1% of their gross sales to charitable causes. They are also certified by the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS).

A Savvy Rest mattress is not only GOTS certified organic, but it also has a GOTS organic cotton protector. This layer helps to act as a barrier against allergens. The organic cotton is also GOTS certified, which means it is free of pesticides.

The Dunlop latex used to make the Savvy Baby mattress is also certified organic in two ways. The processing of Dunlop latex is also certified organic by the Global Organic Latex Standard.

Managed IT Services Portland

If you’re in need of managed IT services, you’ve come to the right place. Managed IT can provide you with a wide range of support services that will maximize your business’ technology-based potential. With experience in virtually every industry, Managed IT can offer no-obligation technology reviews that give you the green light to implement new technology.

Computers Made Easy

Computers Made Easy’s team is committed to teamwork. They constantly challenge each other, develop skills, and develop manpower to solve problems. This results in superior service and results. Our team has years of experience solving complex IT issues. We provide customized IT solutions that meet your business needs.

Managed IT services Portland company specializes in helping small business owners with connectivity and IT solutions. The team listens to customer needs, and responds in the best interest of the client. It also keeps up with the latest technologies to give customers the edge. The IT services offered by Computers Made Easy are tailored to suit individual needs.

Computers Made Easy at Managed It Services Inc. is a leader in the Northwest Oregon IT industry. Its team includes IT professionals who are certified in the latest industry technologies. Its specialists also provide network virtualization, IT disaster recovery, and website maintenance and management. Its team also offers SEO and pay-per-click marketing services.

Pacific Computer Group

Pacific Computer Group offers first-class IT services to small businesses in the Portland, OR area. The company has been supporting small and mid-sized businesses for over 15 years. Contact us at anytime for more information. We will answer any questions you have about our services and how we can help your business.

We specialize in network security, cloud computing, and VoIP. We also offer complete IT support to our Portland and surrounding areas clients. The technicians at Pacific Computer Group have an average of fifteen years of experience in this field. We also provide onsite and remote support, firewall management, and secure remote access.

Pacific Computer Group provides managed IT services for small businesses in the Portland area. The company also offers cybersecurity solutions for small businesses. The company has more than 10 employees and provides a wide range of IT solutions. Our managed IT services range from server management and disaster recovery to networking and virtualization. Our services also include project management, software training, and vendor solutions.

Convergence Networks

Convergence Networks provides managed IT services for security and data protection in the Portland, Oregon, area. They prepare their customers for the complex environment of today, where users access data through multiple applications and devices. Their security measures are designed to prevent hackers from gaining access to your data, and to minimize the risk of data loss.

Convergence Networks is a cybersecurity firm that partners with clients as strategic partners. The company hires people who have the passion to empower others and take the initiative to chart a course together.

Electric IT Support

Electric IT Support is based in New York City with its headquarters at 408 Broadway Level 5. They have earned a reputation as one of the best NYC IT support providers. Recently, they acquired SINU, an NYC-based MSP that has served companies in the area for years. This combination of strengths allows Electric to provide unmatched service to customers in New York City.

Electric’s managed IT services are designed to keep businesses running smoothly while saving time and money. With a nationwide network of specialists, they’re able to provide onsite support for their clients in more than 150 cities.


Bytagig Managed IT Services Portland provides a range of solutions that address a variety of business IT needs. The company provides IT project management, network support, and vCIO services to help businesses get the most from their technology. The company can also provide desktop support, software training, and vendor solutions.
