Using Certo to Potentially Pass a Drug Test

Using Certo, a brand of fruit pectin, to pass a drug test is a technique that has gained popularity among individuals seeking to achieve negative test results. While there is anecdotal evidence supporting its effectiveness, it’s important to note that scientific research on the topic is limited NDTV. Here’s what you need to know if you’re considering using Certo for a drug test:

Understanding Certo’s Mechanism

The idea behind using Certo for passing a drug test is that fruit pectin, a soluble fiber found in Certo, may temporarily bind to drug metabolites in the digestive system, preventing their absorption into the bloodstream. As a result, it is believed that fewer drug metabolites will be excreted in the urine, potentially leading to a negative drug test result.

The Certo Method:

  • Time your consumption: The Certo method typically involves consuming a packet of Certo mixed with a sports drink, such as Gatorade, a few hours before the drug test. The exact timing can vary based on anecdotal recommendations, so it’s essential to do thorough research and consider individual experiences.
  • Instructions for preparation: Mix one packet of Certo with a 32-ounce bottle of a sports drink. Shake the mixture well to ensure proper blending. Drink the entire mixture over a period of 1-2 hours before the drug test.
  • Hydration: It’s important to stay well-hydrated before and during the test. Drinking additional water along with the Certo mixture can help flush out any remaining drug metabolites from the system.
  • Urinate frequently: The Certo method may increase urine production, so make sure to urinate frequently before the drug test. This can help ensure that the urine sample provided for testing is less likely to contain detectable levels of drug metabolites.

Important Considerations:

  • Limited scientific evidence: While some individuals claim success with the Certo method, it’s important to recognize the lack of scientific research and validation. The effectiveness of this method may vary depending on various factors, including individual metabolism and the specific drug being tested for.
  • Test sensitivity: Different drug tests have varying levels of sensitivity, meaning they can detect even small amounts of drugs. Familiarize yourself with the specific test you will be taking to understand its sensitivity and detection capabilities.
  • Legal and ethical implications: Attempting to cheat or tamper with a drug test is unethical and may have legal consequences. It’s important to approach the testing process with integrity and honesty.
  • Consult experts: If you have concerns about passing a drug test, it’s advisable to consult healthcare professionals or specialists knowledgeable in drug testing. They can provide accurate information, guidance, and support based on your individual circumstances.


Using Certo to pass a drug test is a technique that has gained attention, but its effectiveness is not scientifically proven. While some individuals claim success, it’s essential to consider the limited evidence and the potential variability in outcomes. It’s advisable to approach drug testing with honesty, integrity, and compliance with legal and ethical standards. Consulting experts and following established protocols can provide better guidance and support for navigating the drug testing process.
